We are surrounded with the practical necessities of what we need to survive and enrich our lives. I really feel we should try to include beauty in the mix! I decided to create a blog featuring a variety of practical yet beautiful and joyful articles to live with. Many of them can be customized with your personal names and sayings.

Using my original photographs and designs I have created so many products for my online stores, Bebop's Place and Bebop's Weddings, and want to share them here. I am also constantly amazed at the fantastic products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of them as well. I am hoping viewers, in discovering this blog, will enjoy and possibly purchase some of these lovely items.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Crab Nebula in Taurus - Breathtaking Universe HTC Vivid Covers

A gorgeous outer space lamp design from HightonRidley showing our universe in all its beauty. How would it look with your initials? Click to personalize and find out...

tagged with: breathtaking astronomy images, crbneb, messier 1, neutron stars, star ejecta, pulsars, supernovae explosions, hubble supernova pictures, outer space pictures, crab nebula, phone protectors, heavens, european southern observatory, eso, vista

Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series A great outer space picture featuring a three colour composite of the well-known Crab Nebula (also known as Messier 1), as observed with the FORS2 instrument in imaging mode in the morning of November 10, 1999.

It's the remnant of a supernova explosion at a distance of about 6,000 light-years, observed almost 1,000 years ago, in the year 1054. It contains a neutron star near its center that spins 30 times per second around its axis (see below).

In this picture, the green light is predominantly produced by hydrogen emission from material ejected by the star that exploded. The blue light is predominantly emitted by very high-energy ("relativistic") electrons that spiral in a large-scale magnetic field (so-called synchrotron emission). It's believed that these electrons are continuously accelerated and ejected by the rapidly spinning neutron star at the centre of the nebula and which is the remnant core of the exploded star.

This pulsar has been identified with the lower/right of the two close stars near the geometric center of the nebula, immediately left of the small arc-like feature, best seen in ESO Press Photo eso9948.

Technical information: ESO Press Photo eso9948 is based on a composite of three images taken through three different optical filters: B (429 nm; FWHM 88 nm; 5 min; here rendered as blue), R (657 nm; FWHM 150 nm; 1 min; green) and S II (673 nm; FWHM 6 nm; 5 min; red) during periods of 0.65 arcsec (R, S II) and 0.80 (B) seeing, respectively. The field shown measures 6.8 x 6.8 arcminutes and the images were recorded in frames of 2048 x 2048 pixels, each measuring 0.2 arcseconds. North is up; East is left.

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more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

image code: crbneb

ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA www.eso.org
Reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

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