We are surrounded with the practical necessities of what we need to survive and enrich our lives. I really feel we should try to include beauty in the mix! I decided to create a blog featuring a variety of practical yet beautiful and joyful articles to live with. Many of them can be customized with your personal names and sayings.

Using my original photographs and designs I have created so many products for my online stores, Bebop's Place and Bebop's Weddings, and want to share them here. I am also constantly amazed at the fantastic products available from the rest of the Zazzle community and plan to showcase some of them as well. I am hoping viewers, in discovering this blog, will enjoy and possibly purchase some of these lovely items.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Protostar Herbig-Haro 34 Galaxy SII Cases

A gorgeous outer space lamp design from HightonRidley showing our universe in all its beauty. How would it look with your initials? Click to personalize and find out...

tagged with: inspirational, prstrhh34, jets of dense gas, stars ejecta, herbig haro, protostars evolution, orion nebula, astronomy photography, outer space pictures, galaxies, phone shells, phone protectors, heavens, european southern observatory, eso, vista

Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series A fantastic photograph from deep space showing a three-colour composite of the young object Herbig-Haro 34 (HH-34), now in the protostar stage of evolution. It is based on CCD frames obtained with the FORS2 instrument in imaging mode, on November 2 and 6, 1999.

This object has a remarkable, very complicated appearance that includes two opposite jets that ram into the surrounding interstellar matter. This structure is produced by a machine-gun-like blast of "bullets" of dense gas ejected from the star at high velocities (approaching 250 km/sec). This seems to indicate that the star experiences episodic "outbursts" when large chunks of material fall onto it from a surrounding disc.

HH-34 is located at a distance of approx. 1,500 light-years, near the famous Orion Nebula, one of the most productive star birth regions. Note also the enigmatic "waterfall" to the upper left, a feature that is still unexplained.The composite of three images was taken through three different filters : B (wavelength 429 nm; Full-Width-Half-Maximum (FWHM) 88 nm; exposure time 10 min; here rendered as blue), H-alpha (centered on the hydrogen emission line at wavelength 656 nm; FWHM 6 nm; 30 min; green) and S II (centrered at the emission lines of inonized sulphur at wavelength 673 nm; FWHM 6 nm; 30 min; red) during a period of 0.8 arcsec seeing. The field shown measures 6.8 x 4.5 arcmin and the images were recorded in frames of 2048 x 2048 pixels, each measuring 0.2 arcsec.

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more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

image code: prstrhh34

ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA www.eso.org
Reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this

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